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Episodes / News
Episodes without complete coverpages are unavailable.
File:Ep1 thumb.png File:Ep2 thumb temporary.png
Written by AFK / August 8th, 2024
If you're reading this, this means that you somehow found the website while it isn't complete..!?
As much as I'd like to share this website with the world RIGHT NOW..
Episode 1 needs to be finished
I'm waiting until Episode 1 is 100% done to make the website public. I have no clue how far along it is, though..
Currently, the script has 19 pages, but that only really goes to the start of the episode's challenge. I've been unsure of how to proceed with writing it, so in the meantime, I've been working on making panels for the comic..
And, let me check...
. . .
Oh god?? 4 pages in and it's already at 40-something panels?? And there's an average of 10 per page???? With a minimum of 19 pages, that'd be.. 190 panels.. but, you know, those 19 pages only go up to the start of the challenge, so the final count could be twenty-something..
Which means over 200 panels...
..Oh god.
. . .
Even if it's a complete slog, they'll get done eventually.
It's kind of hard balancing the writing, panel-making, and site maintenance.. so in the near future, I might set up some sort of form people can fill out if they want to work on the comic.
No guarantees, and it'd be completely unpaid (you're doing this out of the goodness in your soul or whatever), but it'll probably be a thing..?
. . .
Also, hopefully future episodes won't take as long. It's annoying to introduce 30 main characters in a single episode and make sure they all get a decent chunk of screentime (does that term even apply here?? this is a comic???) and action and a defined personality.
For now, all I ask is that you don't share the website link. If you somehow found this website on your own, congratulations.. but don't share it to anyone, even close friends.. because you can never really be sure if they'll then share it..
Feel free to poke around in the meantime, though.
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