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mw.hook('wikipage.content').add(function ($content) {
	var i18n = {
		playTitle: 'Click to play',
		stopTitle: 'Click to stop',
	var $sound = $content.find('.sound');

	$sound.prop('title', i18n.playTitle);
	// for MW 1.40
			var $audio = $(this).find("audio");
			var mwtitle = $audio.attr("data-mwtitle");
			getInfo( mwtitle ).then( function( info ){
				var attr = {};
				if( !info ) {
					attr.src = "/w/Special:FilePath/" + mwtitle.replaceAll(" ", "_");
				} else {
					var metadata = meta2obj(info.metadata);
					attr.src = info.url;
					try {
						attr.type = info.mime.replace(/application/, "audio") + "; codecs='" + metadata.streams[0].data.type + "'";
					} catch(error){}
				.attr("preload", "metadata")
				.attr("role", "application")
				.attr("src", attr.src)
					$("<source />", attr)
	$sound.on('click', function (e) {
		// Ignore links
		if ( === 'A') {

		var audio = $(this).find('audio')[0];
		if (audio) {
			audio.paused ? : audio.pause();
	$sound.find("audio").on('play', function () {
		// Stop any already playing sounds
		var playing = $('.sound-playing audio')[0];
		playing && playing.pause();

			.addClass('sound-playing').prop('title', i18n.stopTitle);
	}).on('pause', function () {
		// Reset back to the start
		this.currentTime = 0;

			.removeClass('sound-playing').prop('title', i18n.playTitle);


 * Retries a request once if it fails
 * Always returns an abortable promise, even if the request itself isn't abortable.
 * "request" is a function which will run the request,
 * and should return the request's promise.
 * "delay" is the amount of milliseconds to wait before retrying.
 * "retries" is the amount of times to retry
function retryableRequest(request, delay, retries) {
	var deferred = $.Deferred();
	var curRequest;
	var timeout;
	retries = retries || 1;
	var attemptRequest = function (attempt) {
		(curRequest = request()).then(deferred.resolve, function (code, data) {
			if (attempt <= retries) {
				timeout = setTimeout(function () {
				}, delay || 1000);
			} else {
				deferred.reject(code, data);


	return deferred.promise({
		abort: function () {
			if (curRequest.abort) {

 * Request audio info
function getInfo(filename) {
	filename = filename.replaceAll(" ", "_");
	if (filename.indexOf("File:") != 0) {
		filename = "File:" + filename;
	return retryableRequest(function () {
		return new mw.Api().get({
			action: 'query',
			titles: filename,
			prop: 'videoinfo',
			viprop: 'url|mime|metadata'
	}).then(function (data) {
		if (data) {
			var pageid = Object.keys(data.query.pages)[0];
			if (pageid > -1) {
				return data.query.pages[pageid].videoinfo[0];
		return "";
	}).fail(function () {
		return "";

function meta2obj(value){
	if(typeof value === 'object' && Array.isArray(value)){
		var obj = {}, idx = 0;
		value.forEach( function( v, i ){
			if(v.hasOwnProperty("name") && v.hasOwnProperty("value")){
				if(typeof === 'number'){
					obj[idx++] = {
						data: meta2obj(v.value)
				} else {
					obj[] = meta2obj(v.value);
		return obj;
	return value;