Aloe Vera

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Legal Name Age Height Birthdate Pronouns Categories
Aloe Vera Nyeriensis 6 yrs. 4.1 clubs April 15th she/her Gel/Chemical
"Uhh.. okay..."


Aloe Vera is a tube of aloe vera gel.

Aloe isn’t really a person of too many opinions and gives into peer pressure quite easily, which causes them to frequently hang around judgemental people such as Monstera or Windy in hopes of approval.

They aren’t very good at expressing emotions and can sometimes come off as apathetic or lazy when that isn’t really the case, appearing somewhat neutral to a lot of situations they’re presented to. They try their best to be a voice of reason, but their meek nature often causes them to go unheard.


""Friends"" with Monstera, Lavender, and Gravestone.

Competition Information

Aloe Vera joins Plant Power in Episode 1.

Placement has not been determined.


- Aloe Vera's favorite colour is yellow.