Ice Cream

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Legal Name Age Height Birthdate Pronouns Categories
Ice Cream Neapolitan 13 yrs. 3.2 clubs February 27th she/her Consumable/Unholy
"Ew! Don't do that!! That's gross!"


Ice Cream is a single scoop of strawberry-flavoured ice cream, though their limbs and face reside on the cone.

Ice Cream is the most extroverted person you will ever meet- extremely happy and nonserious most of the time with a "whatever" attitude towards almost everything. They make odd jokes, dress in rather extravagant clothing on holidays, get into weird situations, and make a lot of friends very easily. ( Which is how they met Payphone. ) Though, if they are ever upset, they will raise hell.

Their main interest is art, though they don't draw very often.. they also just generally do weird things for fun. Like breaking into private property and stealing mundane things.


In the Geode-Cranberry Sauce-Blueprint-Lavender-Super Mecha Robo-Payphone friendgroup. Best friends with Payphone and Geode, but really despises Super Mecha Robo.



Competition Information

Founds the Catastrophe Crew in Episode 1.

Placement has not been determined.


- Ice Cream has lost all feeling in the ice cream part of their body. This is most likely because it keeps slightly melting.

- Ice Cream's favorite colour is pink.

- No, seriously, this can't be emphasized more- Ice Cream's favorite colour is pink.

- Did you hear that? ICE CREAM's FAVORITE COLOUR is PINK.