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Legal Name Age Height Birthdate Pronouns Categories
Monstera Thorn 18 yrs. 6.1 clubs June 4th she/he/they Plant/Rude
"Ah, what the hell, who cares. Why not."


Monstera is a plant, specifically of the species M. deliciosa.

Monstera is like a school bully running at 400% efficiency.

They're rather quiet most of the time, but if something goes even slightly unaccording to plan, they will raise hell- throwing people into lockers, saran-wrapping them to trees, stealing their lunch money, punching them, etc.. but at the end of the day, they aren't all bad. They've just lived a very rough life. It takes people several years on average to believe this, as it sounds a lot like a lie at first (and at second and third), but they do have a soft side to them that anyone brave enough to attempt to be their friend will eventually see.

Their interest is fighting people and leaving them on the brink of death.


Monstera isn't exactly friends with anyone, though they commonly stick up for Watering Can and Blueprint. Watering Can because they've been nothing but nice to Monstera, and Blueprint because of how physically fragile they are. No one has messed with either of them in months because of this.

Competition Information

Monstera founds and joins Plant Power in Episode 1.


- Monstera is ranked as #1 rudest contestant.

- Monstera does not like non-plant objects, always referring to them as "gardeners".