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This article is meant to go over what's canon and what isn't, and explain how things generally work. Because it can get really confusing at times. Also, this isn't meant to be hostile, I just have to speak in big letters or people won't read it.

What's Canon And What Isn't?

Good question. A lot of object shows have to explicitly say whether or not things are canon, because a lot of the viewers are kids and ready to accept any hypothetical situation as canon. It's something that can't be avoided, unfortunately. Seeing as this is a comic meant for slightly more mature audiences, though, I'm making the bold decision to have faith in the viewers in deducing what's canon and what isn't.

This means there won't be any big flashing text on pages saying "THIS ISN'T CANON". But there's still a ton of things that aren't canon.


Everything that happens in an episode is, without a doubt, something canon that actually happened, with the exception of certain visual effects like Juicebox producing a dotted line wherever they walk. You can basically be genuinely 100% sure here.


The narrator is a fun topic. Who's writing the wiki pages? Just imagine some invisible, irrelevant 'Narrator' character that works for MORRIS or something. What they say isn't always 100% fact, and they're allowed to have biases for the sake of actually making jokes once in a while. Things would get very stale very quickly if, say, the character pages were as factual as Wikipedia- no shade to them.

Generally, if the Narrator is 'speaking' in a more neutral tone, believe it. If they're joking around, or clearly biased, then believe it, but a little less. This invisible 'Narrator' character doesn't know everything. Also important to clarify: they aren't the one writing this page, or pages similar to this.

Character Pages

Character pages tend to be canon, but they're more usually subject to being full of jokes. Like how Battery's page is intentionally really short for no discernible reason other than 'the narrator doesn't like Battery'. You can take them as fact, generally, especially the Description and Trivia sections, but if something's clearly put in as a joke, don't believe it for sure..

Old Page Revisions


Do NOT GO LOOKING THROUGH OLD PAGE REVISIONS EXPECTING TO FIND ANYTHING COOL. Old page revisions, ninety-nine times out of a hundred, mean NOTHING, with one exception.

Nine times out of ten, they're just weird incomplete versions of pages you know and love. Some subtle shift in wording or a stray pixel being fixed on a panel isn't worth theorizing about.

Joke Pages

Not canon. They may be referenced, or linked to, in the comic, but they aren't canon. Sorry, Pylon fans.

Unused Content

There's a difference between genuine unused content and intentionally unused content. If you find an old version of an episode thumbnail, or something, just lying around, then it's not important. If you find something very clearly ominous referring to some character you've never seen before, well.. that's a different story.

[1] Oh. It's the exception from earlier! Turns out that if some very-clearly-ominous file gets updated, and it's clearly some big change instead of the image being slightly more centered, then you can consider that important. But remember; that only applies to anything with the 'File:' prefix. Just felt like tacking that on here.

Pages with the 'Admin:' Prefix

Any pages with the admin prefix or ones that are clearly used to test things aren't canon at all. Sorry, Admin:Dialogue Test fans.

Pages with the 'TERMSOFSERVICE:' or 'MediaWiki:' Prefix

Again, no. These prefixes are either for website-management stuff or for explainer pages, like this one. MORRIS doesn't have some secret file cabinet with TERMSOFSERVICE:Copyrights in it.

Deleted Pages

I'm.. not even sure you can access these..?? But no. They aren't canon in any form. Not even in the 'oooh, spooky unused content way'. Sorry.

User Pages

Uh..? None of these should exist on this wiki, but if you somehow find one, it's not canon. We tend to not have control over them.


That's basically everything I wanted to cover in this article. There's definetely things I forgot to mention, but this should cover almost every base. The next time you stop to think if something is canon or not, just vaguely think of this article. That should usually work.