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Legal Name Age Height Birthdate Pronouns Categories
VHSy Rewind 17 yrs. 3.4 clubs September 7th she/they Unholy/Rude
"Don't worry; I'm fairly confident I could hide from the government."


VHSy, despite their name, is an unbranded casette. Contents are unknown.

VHSy is not a normal person. They don't really care about others, and act generally depraved.. even though they generally lack friends, they will give you very questionable advice for free. They're basically that cool friend you had in middle school that would download free things off the internet for you, but that your parents didn't want you to hang out with. ( If you had parents to begin with. )

Their interest is going onto anonymous internet forums and arguing with people. It is a very sad and horrible interest, but it is an interest.



Competition Information

VHSy joins The Rocket Scientists in Episode 1.


- VHSy is the only contestant to not have their item as their name